Hair Beauty Zone - Appearance is one of the most important things in our life. You must maintain your appearance as much possible. One of the most important supporters is the appearance of our hair. Don’t let your hair run into problems. One of the problems most commonly experienced hair is hair loss. So, what are the
causes of hair loss? Surely you want to know what caused of it, If you know the cause, then you will be able to minimize the occurrence of hair loss easier.
The following are some of the
causes of hair loss that you should know:
1. Pregnancy
The first cause is pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormonal changes will occur. This is why hair can be loss. For control this, both ends of nutrition and proper care. Thus, postpartum hair loss will be resolved.
2. Chemicals
The third cause is the presence of the chemicals contained in hair beauty products and hair care. Chemicals will make the hair become brittle and fall out. In addition, chemicals can interfere with follicle growth. The solution, choose hair and beauty care products that are not too chemicals containing.
3. Less care
Keeping your hair and scalp to keep them clean you must do. Because, if your hair and scalp are dirty, it‘ll lead the hair loss and easily damaged. Pick a shampoo product that suits to your hair type and scalp for hair wash / shampoo.
4. Hereditary factors [genetic]
Perhaps this is one of the causes of hair loss are the most obvious. If you have a previous family history of hair loss does have glosses, and then most likely will decline to you. But you should still try to minimize the occurrence of hair loss guide physicians / specialists.
5. stress
Stress does have a negative impact diverse. One of them is hair loss. Experiencing hair loss will be easier when you're stressed, especially when it comes to severe stress. To that end, avoid stress as much as possible.
6. Often change hairstyle
If you do not want your hair to fall out, from now on, do not be too often change your hairstyle. If indeed you are forced to frequently change your hair style, make sure your hair is in good health / stay healthy. In addition, too often dry your hair with a hair dryer, often changing into curly and clamp can also be the cause of hair fall out easily / damaged
7. Lack of nutrition for hair
Hair requires nutrients intake / adequate nutrition to stay healthy. If you do not pay attention to nutritional factors need to hair, then your hair will fall out easily and unhealthy.
Eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E to prevent hair loss. Besides food that contains protein and minerals also you should be consumed. If fulfilled, then your hair will not easily fall out and stay healthy.